Thursday, September 20, 2012

I took these two pictures on my iPhone at a sculpture garden in Massachusetts. I thought that they it was a really cool sculpture. They had sticks on the side so that you could play the bells. Each one was a different sound.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I took these two pictures while I was in Victoria. There was just this random guy on the street dressed as Darth Vader, and playing the violin. It was one of those moments that was too good to pass up. The random guy passing by in the first one is a bit annoying but there was nothing that I could do about it. Right after he was out of the shot Darth Vader started taking pictures with random civilians. Hope you like them.  
I took this picture while I was in Vancouver. I thought that the building looked really cool and liked how the sun was reflected in the window. The building is actually a library which I thought was really interesting.

Monday, September 10, 2012

This is a photo that I took when I was in Boston. I am not exactly sure what the building was called (I think that it was a church) but this was the ceiling in the entryway. I just though that it looked really cool.